
Listing your Business

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Interested in listing your Turks and Caicos business on Visit Turks and Caicos? We currently offer listings as part of an advertising package.

This page describes what we need and our guidelines on listing a business.

We reserve the right to not list a business, or to remove a business listing for any reason.

It’s important that website content is appealing to visitors. High-quality photos that show your business and staff in the beautiful Turks and Caicos instills trust. Stock photos should not be used. Photos used must be your own, or you must have clear permission to use them. We cannot use heavily edited photos, graphics, illustrations, or logos. Content generated with AI tools, including written content, images, and video, is not accepted.

Websites that we link to must meet minimum quality standards, should be a secure website (https), and should work on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop devices.

We typically only list and link to businesses that are located in and operate in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

What We Need

To list your business, we will need:

Contact Details

Accurate address and contact details are required, including at least one phone number, email address and street address.

Our system supports multiple public and non-public email address. If you’d like a separate email address for business listing and advertising management and administration communications solely from Visit Turks and Caicos, please specify.

Business Photos

We require a minimum of four high-quality photos that represent your business.

The importance of having a good photograph cannot be stressed enough. Vibrant and interesting images will greatly improve the success of your listing.

The photos must be of sufficient resolution. Our current minimum is 2048 pixels wide, yet we encourage you to send in the largest image resolution you have to ensure the best quality and future compatibility.

Portrait orientation photos (higher taller than width) generally cannot be used on our website.

One of the provided photos will be used as the panoramic cover image on your business listing page, as can be seen at the top of every page on our site. This is similar to a Facebook 'cover' image. We are happy to crop a normal ratio photo to the appropriate aspect ratio, yet the subject in the original image must support being a panoramic ratio.

Two images will be used for photos that appear on the business page and in business lists. These should be a normal 2x3 aspect ratio. As with the panoramic image, we can crop a photo to our desired ratio, yet the resolution and content must support it.

Please ensure that you have the proper rights to use any images you provide. By providing photographs to us, you affirm that you have the legal right to use the image(s).

Image Renderings

Generally, we do not accept image renderings, image compilations into a single image, or visible photo manipulations. Some exceptions exist for advertisers, such as architectural renderings for a real estate project.

AI Content

We do not accept content generated with AI tools, including photorealistic images, video, and written content.

Business Description

Listings require a description of what the business is and what it offers to customers. This should describe what, where and how your business operates, and what makes it unique.

An upper limit on the description is around 400 characters, including spaces. The description must be relevant and of good quality. As is the case with photos, good text will improve the performance of your listing.

Please create new and accurate material for the text. Do not copy text from other sources, as we will perform a search to ensure that this is new content.

Do not use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to generate text. If a business provides any content generated via an AI tool, this may lead to the complete removal of that business from our website.

Avoid subjective statements and writing styles (example: “this is the undisputed best restaurant in the country”).

Example good description: Oceanfront Restaurant serves a range of local and international cuisine. All fish and vegetables are locally sourced and dishes are prepared in the local style. A wide range of beverages and desserts are offered, including our famous Kew Lemon Meringue Pie. For dinner reservations and large groups, a reservation is recommended.

Example bad description: Come visit us and experience the best restaurant in the entire Turks and Caicos Islands. We offer a great menu selection to choose from which will make you want to visit again.

We will likely make edits to provided descriptions to allow content to better match the style of our site, to ensure accuracy, and to add links to any referenced locations or attractions.

We may also modify your description and other information at any time. We will normally indicate this to you if it is a substantive edit, but this notification is offered as a courtesy and is not guaranteed.

Business Overview

In addition to the short description, a business overview is also required.

This must be at least 500 words long. It must be written in the 3rd person (no use of 'we' or 'us'), and should be a factual, informational overview of your business, discussing what your products and services are and relevant information. It should not contain prices, or any information that is subject to change frequently (such as specials).

This written content must be unique and written specifically for Visit Turks and Caicos Islands. Information copied from websites (such as the business's about page) will not be accepted.

Do not use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to generate text. If a business provides any content generated via an AI tool, this may lead to the complete removal of that business from our website.

Activity and Services Relationships

The Visit Turks and Caicos website takes a structured approach to how and where business listings appear on our site.

Fundamentally, all activities, attractions and services have an article or page on our site which is impartial and gives a general overview, and in many cases, we have an island-specific page as well.

Example of a 'global' introduction article: Turks and Caicos Diving

Specific Providenciales article: Providenciales Diving

Specific Grand Turk article: Grand Turk Diving

If a business caters to a particular activity, it’ll be displayed on the activity page for the island that the business is based on. If a business offers multiple services, it may show on multiple pages. Please note that non-advertisers may only be placed within one category.

The exception to the above is when a particular business is the sole attraction, as in the case of the Turks Head Brewery tour.

When sending your business info to us, you may state which activities and services you believe best apply to your business, however, we reserve the right to assign activity and service relationships as we see fit.

Business relationships can also exist between 'locations' on our site. For example, it's possible to be listed on our page for Little Water Cay, Mudjin Harbour, or the Conch Bar Caves. We'll only add businesses to locations and attractions where we feel it will be helpful. For example, we won't list businesses on Grace Bay Beach or Taylor Bay.

Ensuring Relevance

To ensure that guests to the Turks and Caicos receive the best experience, we’d like to only assign business relationships where relevant. We do not want to list a business on an activity page unless the business actively caters to the activity or service, and is on the appropriate island.

A theoretical example is kayaking on South Caicos. We do not want to list a Providenciales water sports business on the South Caicos activity page, unless said business has an established practice of operating on South Caicos.

If the Providenciales business actively practices kayaking on South Caicos, or maintains a fleet of watercraft on South Caicos, it’s valid for it to show on the South Caicos Kayaking page (in addition to the Providenciales Kayaking page).

Geographic Place Names in Business Names

There are restrictions on the usages of geographic place names within a business name, especially at the end. For example, a business called 'Five Cays Scooters' is acceptable, but a business called 'Beach Bar Grand Turk' will be restricted. By restricted, this means that in most cases, we will only use the name without the geographic place name, as otherwise, in many cases, the business will appear as 'Beach Bar Grand Turk, located in Grand Turk', or similar such redundant references.

Businesses Must be Operating

To be listed, businesses must be open and operating. Some exceptions exist for certain types of businesses that have an imminent and definite opening date.

Accurate Data in Legacy Listings

If your business is listed on our site and is a legacy listing, it is your responsibility to ensure that the information is accurate. If data is incorrect or inaccurate, please simply contact us and we'll change it as appropriate.

If your data, such as contact information, location, or particularly your URL is found to be incorrect, your business listing may be removed without notice or notification.

If your listing was removed due to an incorrect or broken URL, your business may be reinstated, but we may choose to list it without a URL and provide address and telephone contact information only.